Faculty - Startegy



Faculty of Food Technology, being a part of the University of Agriculture in Kraków, obtains into its strategy programme tasks which are included in the Strategy for Development of the University of Agriculture in Kraków for the years 2021-2024. The Strategy of Faculty development is a planned action programme covering education, research and cooperation with regional, national and international educational, research and administrative institutions.


The Faculty pursues the implementation of the following goals and initiatives:


1. Achieving high quality of teaching which guarantees high prestige of the diploma issued by the University for graduates of the I, II and III studies degree. 


This aim will be achieved through:

  • providing students with modern knowledge in the field of food technology, human nutrition, commodity science, bioengineering and food biotechnology and helping to achieve thought and action creativity for all graduates; 
  • education on the basis of systematically updated curriculum which includes the needs of the economy as well as the current labor market situation in Poland and European Union; 
  • constant development of educational system which includes raising qualifications of the academic staff, using modern teaching methods and techniques, taking part in post-graduate studies and additional courses, workshops, seminars and trainings; 
  • developing the teaching quality system based on the opinions of students, graduates, employers and Social Advisory Board of the Faculty of Food Technology; 
  • partnership between staff and students, with care for direct contact between them and transparent teaching management system, which makes it easier to choose appropriate study field and specialization;
  • improving the educational offer for representatives of food industry or other industry branches. 


2.  Conducting research on the highest possible level to achieve status of an important research facility in the field of food technology and human nutrition in Poland and Europe. 


This aim will be achieved through: 

  • defining and adopting the procedures which will result in improvement of innovation of the conducted research and determination of procedures for systemic support of the research staff, including the priorities for development of Southern Poland;
  • integration of research conducted by Departments of the Faculty in order to fully facilitate the intellectual potency of the research staff, laboratories and research equipment and apparatus and supporting the formation of interdepartamental research teams; 
  • establishing a clear hierarchical structure in research teams, promoting research leaders and strengthening their contacts with world science and stimulating to search for new, original and innovative research subjects in the field of basic and applied sciences, especially of interdisciplinary character and regarding problems from the borderland of various science disciplines;
  • working (in Faculty, Senate and Rectoral commissions) to lift bureaucratic barriers which hinders conducting research;
  • strengthening the cooperation with national and international research institutions including cooperation within EU and improving mobility of the researchers to obtain new research skills;
  • implementing a system to support the research development of the best Departments of the Faculty and of employees in improving the teaching and research profile, knowledge of foreign languages, including English and practical skills related to publishing of research results in worlds-class science journals;
  • searching for research funding within the industry through updating and dissemination of the offer of analytical and research services for the industry;
  • improving the applicability of the research by acquiring ordered research from the industry, intensification of commercialization, developing new recipes, innovations and technology, cooperation with industry within EU Funds and national research grants to acquire funds for development of Polish industry and improvement of its competitiveness and innovativeness;
  • organizing conferences with the participation of international participants, constant improvement of the quality of the organized conferences and publishing the conference proceedings in the form of special issues in world class scientific journals;
  • acquiring new and maintaining the existing relations with region, which allows to support the social-economical and cultural needs of the region.       



3. Intensification of the transfer of research results into the food industry and food control institutions and consolidation of the ties with national economy. 

This aim will be achieved through: 

  • implementation of rules permanent cooperation with public sector and national economy institutions and intensification of operation of the Social Advisory Board of the Faculty of Food Technology;
  • updating the educational offer of the post-graduate studies and improvement of the promotion of trainings, courses and workshops directed to a specific recipients’ groups;
  • taking conceptual and implementation actions to improve the production of safe high quality food;
  • dissemination of research results and achievements in the field of human nutrition and society consumption sciences;
  • intensification of the actions that promote the Faculty.

4. Modern management of the Faculty activity in described fields, based on clear procedures of decision making and their dissemination.  

  • This aim will be achieved through:
  • establishing the human resources policy in line with the teaching profile and research & development activity of the Faculty;
  • modernization of the technical and social infrastructure as well as upgrading the existing analytical equipment;
  • conduction actions to solve the problem of low replaceability of academic staff and progressive lack of staff with doctoral degree;
  • creation of the Faculty image as an institution which: 
    • educates professionals for the industry, which are reliable, resourceful, competent, knowledgeable and can work either individually or as a part of a team;
    • conducts important applicable research for the industry.





University of Agriculture in Krakow
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Food Technology
ul. Balicka 122
12 662 47 48
12 632 47 48
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